1,656 research outputs found

    L’orizzonte della memoria:Duration, change and extended time in the Ecumenical Cemetery of Caltagirone

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    This contribution uses a recent competition project for a materially lightweight intervention in a historically significant cemetery in Catania, Italy—developed as part of the author’s research-led design practice—to articulate and explore the interrelated temporal dimensions of architecture. In so doing, it maps these dimensions against a series of contemporary philosophical positions, which interrogate the notion of “time” beyond its relation to human experience. To this end, this contribution seeks to frame the intervention (and its originating design approach) in terms of its fluid, transformative, extended temporality, demonstrating how it may exceed its "visible" life cycle as an architectural proposal. Developing as a discussion that articulates design decisions in relation to their associated theoretical frameworks, the text proceeds to flesh out "architectural temporality" in programmatic, material, and instrumental terms. This threefold approach aims to offer a comprehensive exploration of the interrelated (and potentially intertwined) dimensions of "temporality," with a view to positing them as three active principles for structuring design: The programmatic extension of time embedded in the spiritual character of the necropolis, the constantly evolving nature of the design process —both within and outside the human temporal sequence— and the consideration of materiality beyond the ephemeral moment when material components become an architectural object.</p

    La imagen de la publicidad como recurso de orientación de la memoria histórica en las comunidades virtuales de series de ficción televisiva

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    El artículo es el resultado de una investigación desarrollada en Barcelona, España y en él se propone una metodología para desarrollar un análisis al sentido de la publicidad percibida por los usuarios en la sociedad digital que siguen series de ficción histórica en el que aparecen imágenes de la publicidad de época, resultado del comentario integral que tienen las redes sociales y su convergencia con los productos televisivos. Se desarrolla un estudio a los mensajes de la memoria como consecuencia del visionado a las series televisivas Los 80 y Los Archivos del Cardenal, producciones audiovisuales emitidas por Canal 13 y TVN, respectivamente, con un elevado seguimiento en las redes sociales. Seleccionado los mensajes asociados a la memoria histórica, se propone una metodología virtual para interpretar los cuadros de escenas publicitarias que integran los enunciados de recuperación de memoria. El objetivo es cuantificar el número de mensajes vinculados a la memoria histórica a través del discurso referencial y exponer las características cualitativas que asignan los usuarios a dichos objetos vinculados al contexto social de la época

    Factors Impacting the Success of ERP Implementations in Small and Medium Enterprises: An Empirical Assessment from Latin America

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    Les implementacions dels sistemes de programació de gestió integrada (ERP, en la sigla en anglès) s'estan consolidant com una de les principals tendències avantguardistes en l'àmbit de la tecnologia de la informació en el segment de les petites i mitjanes empreses (pimes). Malgrat que existeixen recerques relacionades amb l'estudi de l'adopció i de l'èxit de les implementacions d'ERP, hi ha una bretxa evident en la literatura a l'hora d'analitzar aquestes implementacions en el context de les pimes. Aquest article té l'objectiu d'examinar els factors que determinen l'èxit de les implementacions d'ERP, centrant-se específicament en la veta de mercat de les pimes que operen en zones en via de desenvolupament, com ara l'Amèrica Llatina. Es proposa un model que és corroborat empíricament amb dades obtingudes de 49 pimes llatinoamericanes. Una anàlisi de regressió múltiple permet corroborar 7 de les 8 hipòtesis presentades en el model, i evidencia alguns resultats que són consistents amb algunes recerques prèvies, però en ressalta d'altres que són únics en el context particular de l'Amèrica Llatina. Els resultats indiquen que les capacitats de facilitat d'ús proveïdes per l'ERP, com també l'èxit d'implementació del projecte de l'ERP i la satisfacció de l'usuari, són factors claus que impacten en l'èxit posterior a la implementació de l'ERP. D'altra banda, les iniciatives de gestió del canvi no van esdevenir tan determinants com s'evidenciava en recerques anteriors. El rol crític de la satisfacció de l'usuari com a mediador de la resta dels factors també va ser comprovat. Una aportació fonamental de la recerca és que l'èxit de la implementació de l'ERP va ser mesurat en termes dels beneficis incrementals de negoci obtinguts posteriorment a la implementació de l'ERP. S'analitzen les implicacions dels resultats en el context pràctic i de recerca, i se'n presenten línies de recerca prominents.Las implementaciones de los Sistemas de Administración de Recursos Empresariales (ERP por sus siglas en inglés) se están consolidando como una de las tendencias vanguardistas críticas en el área de tecnología de la información para el segmento de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (SMEs). Aún cuando existen investigaciones relacionadas con el estudio de la adopción y éxito de las implementaciones de los ERP, es evidente la brecha existente en la literatura a la hora de analizar tales implementaciones en el contexto de las SMEs. Esta disertación pretende investigar factores que determinan el éxito de las implementaciones de los ERP, con foco específico en el contexto de las SMEs operando en regiones en vías de desarrollo, tales como América Latina. Se propone un modelo el cual es corroborado empíricamente con datos obtenidos de 49 pequeñas y medianas empresas latinoamericanas. Un análisis de regresión múltiple permite corroborar 7 de las 8 hipótesis presentadas en el modelo, exhibiéndose algunos resultados que son consistentes con investigaciones previas pero resaltándose otros que lucen originales al contexto particular de América Latina. Los resultados indican que las capacidades de Facilidad de Uso provistas por el ERP, así como el Éxito del Proyecto de Implementación del ERP y la Satisfacción del Usuario son factores claves que impactan en el éxito posterior a la implementación. Por otra parte, las iniciativas de Gerencia del Cambio no lucieron tan determinantes como se evidencia en investigaciones anteriores. El rol crítico de la Satisfacción del Usuario como mediador del resto de los factores también fue comprobado. Un aporte fundamental de la investigación es que el éxito de la implementación del ERP fue medido en términos de los beneficios incrementales de negocio obtenidos posterior a la implementación del ERP. Se analizan las implicaciones de los hallazgos en el contexto de investigación y práctico y prominentes líneas de investigación son presentadas.Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems implementations are consolidating as a critical information technology initiative among small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Even though research exists aimed at analyzing the adoption and success of ERP implementations, there is a significant gap in the literature studying the SME niche. This article examines the causes determining the success of ERP implementations, specifically considering the niche of SMEs acting in developing regions such as Latin America. The proposed model is corroborated empirically with data from 49 Latin American SMEs. The regression analysis technique allows corroborating 7 of the 8 hypotheses. Some results are consistent with previous research but others appear to be unique to the Latin American context. These results suggest that Ease to Use capacities provided by ERP, as well as Project Implementation Success and User Satisfaction of an ERP initiative are key factors influencing the overall success of an ERP implementation. However, Change Management seems to be not as critical as the other factors. The decisive role of User Satisfaction as a mediating variable is also corroborated. An innovative contribution of this dissertation is the success of an ERP implementation is measured by improvements in business performance. The implications of the findings for research and practice are discussed, and another promising research streams are outlined

    Padrões de acúmulo de proteínas e carboidratos durante a embriogênese somática de Acca sellowiana

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    The aim of this work was to quantify the protein, starch and total sugars levels during histodifferentiation and development of somatic embryos of Acca sellowiana Berg. For histological observations, the samples were dehydrated in a battery of ethanol, embedded in historesin and stained with toluidine blue (morphology), coomassie blue (protein bodies) and periodic acid-Schiff (starch). Proteins were extracted using a buffer solution, precipitated using ethanol and quantified using the Bradford reagent. Total sugars were extracted using a methanol-chloroform-water (12:5:3) solution and quantified by a reaction with anthrone at 0.2%. Starch was extracted using a 30% perchloric acid solution and quantified by a reaction with anthrone at 0.2%. During the somatic embryogenesis' in vitro morphogenesis and differentiation processes, the total protein levels decreased and the soluble sugars levels increased during the first 30 days in culture and remained stable until the 120th day. On the other hand, total protein levels increased according to the progression in the developmental stages of the somatic embryos. The levels of total sugars and starch increased in the heart and cotyledonary stages, and decreased in the torpedo and pre-cotyledonary stages. These compounds play a central role in the development of somatic embryos of Acca sellowiana. © 2009 Embrapa Informação Tecnológica.O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar os teores de proteína, amido e açúcares totais durante a histodiferenciação e desenvolvimento dos embriões somáticos em Acca sellowiana Berg. Para as observações histológicas, as amostras foram desidratadas em uma bateria de etanol, emblocadas em historesina e coradas com azul de toluidina (morfologia), azul de coomassie (corpos proteicos) e reativo ácido periódico de Schiff (amido). As proteínas foram extraídas usando uma solução tampão, precipitadas usando etanol e quantificadas por meio do reativo de Bradford. Os açúcares totais foram extraídos usando uma solução metanol-clorofórmioágua (12:5:3) e quantificados pela reação com antrona a 0,2%. O amido foi extraído usando uma solução de ácido perclórico a 30% e quantificado pela reação com antrona a 0,2%. Durante a diferenciação e morfogênese in vitro da embriogênese somática, os teores de proteínas totais decresceram e os açúcares solúveis aumentaram durante os 30 primeiros dias em cultura e permaneceram constantes até os 120 dias. Por outro lado, os teores das proteínas totais apresentaram incremento de acordo com a progressão nos estádios de desenvolvimento dos embriões somáticos. Os teores de açúcares totais e de amido aumentaram nos estádios cordiforme e cotiledonar e diminuíram nos estádios torpedo e pré-cotiledonar. Esses compostos exercem papel central no desenvolvimento de embriões somáticos de Acca sellowiana.Fil: Cangahuala-Inocente, Gabriela Claudia. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Steiner, Neusa. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Maldonado, Sara Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental y Aplicada. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental y Aplicada; ArgentinaFil: Guerra, Miguel Pedro. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Brasi

    Infrared excesses in stars with and without planets using revised WISE{\it WISE} photometry

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    We present an analysis on the potential prevalence of mid infrared excesses in stars with and without planetary companions. Based on an extended database of stars detected with the WISE{\it WISE} satellite, we studied two stellar samples: one with 236 planet hosts and another with 986 objects for which planets have been searched but not found. We determined the presence of an excess over the photosphere by comparing the observed flux ratio at 22 μ\mum and 12 μ\mum (f22/f12f_{22}/f_{12}) with the corresponding synthetic value, derived from results of classical model photospheres. We found a detection rate of 0.85%\% at 22 μ\mum (2 excesses) in the sample of stars with planets and 0.1%\% (1 detection) for the stars without planets. The difference of the detection rate between the two samples is not statistically significant, a result that is independent of the different approaches found in the literature to define an excess in the wavelength range covered by WISE{\it WISE} observations. As an additional result, we found that the WISE{\it WISE} fluxes required a normalisation procedure to make them compatible with synthetic data, probably pointing out a revision of the WISE{\it WISE} data calibration.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Upper Bound Theorem in forging processes: Model of Triangular Rigid Zones on parts with horizontal symmetry

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    The analysis to determine the necessary forces with which to achieve a plastic deformation in metallic materials, in particular, in forging processes and under conditions of plain strain, has been raised over the years through a double approach; on the one hand, by analytical methods that involve a great complexity in their developments but that allow a direct understanding of the parameters that direct these processes. On the other hand, numerical methods, in which, thanks to the enormous development of computer technology, they provide solutions with a high approximation but, in most cases, do not allow to interpret independently the effect of each one of the parameters that come into play. The development of computers relegated analytical methods to the background. An alternative of great interest to apply these methods comes from the study of the Upper Bound Theorem by means of the Triangular Rigid Zones (TRZ) Model. One of the main limitations in the application of this model come from the fact that it is necessary to define a kinematically admissible velocity field and for complex geometric configurations of parts, this field becomes increasingly complicated. A new approach has delimited, from a theoretical perspective, a modular configuration based on a General Module formed by three TRZ that adapts to any geometry of flat surfaces of the part. Another limitation of the Upper Bound Method is the consideration of the plain strain represented by a flat section with double symmetry. Obviously, this imposition only allows to study a limited number of part configurations, which restricts its application in forging processes since the great majority of forged parts do not present geometrically this double symmetry. The present work releases one of these boundary conditions allowing to expand the possibilities of application of this method.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec